The liver is not valued until it takes its toll on health. Generally speaking, most of us do not pay much attention to our liver, the largest internal organ. But the liver runs a lot of vital physiological functions on our behalf; we could hardly imagine.
The tusks include food processing, manufacturing hormones and protein, fighting infections, and indulging in consuming alcohol and rich food.
As a result, excess fat gets deposited in the liver and obstructs normal liver function. If we show little awareness from the very beginning, we can avoid such a critical situation.
This is high time that you must take care of your liver by maintaining your diet and lifestyle. Would you mind staying with us to gather more information about fatty liver, its cause, proper nutrition, and home remedies? Here we will try to reveal the facts through discussion.
Few Facts about Liver
The liver is the second largest organ, and it is located on the right side of our belly. It has been divided into two parts—right lobes and left lobes. It looks reddish-brown, meaty, and weighs about 3 pounds.
There is a rib cage that surrounded the liver for protection. Now it’s important to know what precisely the liver does to run the body function systematically.
The liver is the main organ to process the nutrients from the food into substances that our body can use it.
It helps to carry away the toxin from the body.
It filters the blood which is coming out of the digestive tract.
Causes of Fatty Liver
Fatty liver indicates that you have extra fat in your liver—this condition, also known as Hepatic Steatosis. However, a little bit of fat in the liver is quite reasonable, and it causes no health issues.
The condition turns critical when the amount of deposited fat crosses the normal limit, bringing different types of health problems.
Too much fat deposition causes liver inflammation, and it gradually leads to severe liver damage. There are two types of fatty liver diseases-
Non- Alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD):- In this category, the fatty liver develops in those who do not consume alcohol.
Alcoholic Fatty liver Disease (AFLD):- This type of fatty liver builds up among the alcoholics.
The common reasons for fatty liver diseases are–
- Obesity.
- Chronic Diabetes.
- High level of triglyceride in the blood.
Some Less Common situations to develop fatty liver are—
- Pregnancy.
- Infection in the liver.
- The side effect of certain medicines.
Signs of Fatty Liver Disease
Usually, the liver works silently. It shows no indications unless any inflammation occurs. The liver exhibits signs of inflammation in both types of fatty liver diseases.
In most cases, people affected with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease do not experience any unusual symptoms.
NAFLD is a benign disease with fewer complications. Individuals with NAFLD or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease may contact the following indication at the beginning, such as
- Fatigue.
- Pain or soreness in the right upper position of the abdomen.
- Weakness.
- Loss of weight.
- Loss of Appetite.
- Jaundice.
- Changes in skin color.
- Swelling in the leg.
- Nose bleeding.
- The build-up of fluid in the abdomen.
- Skin rash and itching.
Symptoms of Alcoholic Fatty Liver
There are no distinct signs at the first stage. Unlike other liver diseases, it also started with typical symptoms like discomforts in the abdomen and a general feeling of un-wellness. The early signs began with–
- Nausea or vomiting tendency.
- Pain in the stomach.
- Diarrhea.
- Loss of appetite.
In maximum cases, people do not pay much attention to these symptoms. As usual, they continue alcohol consumption and leave all the warning signs untreated and undiagnosed. Therefore the condition becomes worse and critical and progresses fast towards chronic liver failure condition.
In the advanced stage of alcoholic fatty liver disease, the symptoms are quite distinct and easy to diagnose. The signs are—
- Leg swelling
- Vomiting
- Enlarged spleen.
- Severe jaundice.
- Yellowish skin and eyes.
- Weight loss.
- Blood with stool.
Fatty Liver Disease Diet
Diet plays a vital role in both types of fatty liver disease. Our liver accumulates fats from the food we eat daily. So, intaking foods which contain a good portion of fat increased the chance of fat deposition.
Now the crucial outcome of fatty liver is, regardless of its type is liver failure. So control over a self diet is the first necessary step to treat the fatty liver condition as soon as possible. The general diet for both types of fatty liver condition is—
- Fresh fruits and green vegetables,
- Foods that contain dietary fiber, like whole grain, legumes.
- No alcohol.
- A little amount of added sugar refines carbohydrates.
Name of the Food and drinks That Is Good for Fatty Liver:
- Green vegetables like Broccoli, spinach, kale, sprouts.
- Tofu.
- Coffee
- Green tea,
- Oats
- Walnuts
- Olive oil
- Sunflower seed
- Garlic.
- Fish
- Whey protein.
Foods to avoid:
- Refined Carbohydrates.
- Sugar or added sugar.
- Alcohol
- Salty food and junk foods.
- Red meat
Fatty Liver Home Remedies
1. Lemon Juice
Lemon juice can do wonders as far as liver disease is concerned. It has the potential to treat alcohol-induced liver damage. Besides being a natural detoxifier, it works as a dissolvent of uric acid and other harmful substances.
Lemon juice is enriched with a moderate quantity of Vitamin C, and it helps the liver produce an enzyme called Glutathione, which is responsible for preventing fat cell deposition.
How to use
- Squeeze half of the lemon in one medium glass of water.
- Add a few drops of honey.
- Drink in the morning twice daily.
2. Papaya
This humble-looking vegetable has multiple benefits for health. Consuming papaya in daily dishes could be helpful to burn excess fat. Papaya seeds are also beneficial as they are a natural healer to treat liver problems in aged persons, kids, and alcoholics.
These tiny seeds can detoxify the liver within a few days and regenerate the lost appetite. They also reduce the production rate of free radicals in the liver and induced new cell production.
Papaya contains papain which is a very active enzyme to wash out dead tissues from the liver. Papain also aids in protein digestion.
How to Use
- You can add a Slice of boiled papaya to your daily diet.
- You can also take 5 to dry the grounded seed of papaya with lemon juice.
3. Turmeric
It is the best spice in every kitchen, with a powerful healing capacity. Nature wise it is anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial. Consuming a pinch of turmeric powder or raw turmeric can boost our liver health within a few days.
Turmeric has Curcumin, which is very useful to cure non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Curcumin can aid in reducing hepatocellular inflammation on consumption. The antioxidant in turmeric protects the liver from toxins. It also prevents fat cell deposition.
How to Use
- Take sliced turmeric and boil it with water.
- You can also use powdered turmeric.
- Strain the liquid and drink in the morning.
- You can add honey for taste.
4. Flaxseed
These tiny seeds have got the recognition of superfoods for their benefits on health and health-protective properties. Researching the nutritional content of this edible kernel of the flax plant, we can say that it has three powerful components. Such as—
Omega 3 fatty acid: – Flaxseed is a rich source of Alfa Linolenic acid, derived from the omega-three fatty acid. Thus it balances the cholesterol ratio and helps address the high level of fat cells in the blood. The ALA protects the liver from cellular damage, and it also reduces inflammation.
Lignans: – It is a fiber-like compound and found on plant cell walls with antioxidant properties. The lignans present in flaxseed reduce the bad cholesterol, thus lowering the risk of liver damage.
Fiber: – Flaxseed has both insoluble and soluble fiber. Soluble fiber forms a gel with water, and it minimizes insulin resistance, slows down digestion, and control weight. Insoluble fiber prevents constipation, and thus it prevents toxin forming. Therefore it plays a vital role in liver health.
How to Use
- Take one tablespoon of powdered flaxseed and mix it with warm water.
- Take it daily on an empty stomach for a few days till you notice any improvement.
- You can also sprinkle flax seed in your smoothie or salad.
5. Green tea
To treat fatty liver, green tea is one of the best home remedies. It is enriched with antioxidants, and it helps in cleaning toxic substances from the liver.
Consuming green tea regularly can aid in losing weight and prevent fat deposition. Moreover, green tea keeps our body hydrated.
How to Use:-
- Use organic green tea leaf.
- Take the required quantity and soak it for 2 minutes in hot water.
- Strain the tea and drink.
- You can add honey instead of sugar.
- Take twice daily.
6. Apple Cider Vinegar
It is the most effective remedy to treat fatty liver at home. It works as a cleanser and cleans the toxins. Apple cider vinegar boosts liver function by reducing fat cells.
How to Use:-
- To get the best result, add one tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar and mix it with warm water.
- Drink it every day in the morning on an empty stomach.
- You can add honey for taste.
7. Amla
From ancient ages, Indian gooseberry or Amla is one of the significant medicinal fruit used in Ayurveda. It has multiple uses, and as a medicine, it works fast to cure fatty liver problems. It is loaded with vitamin c; therefore, it cures many ailments, including liver detoxification, and protects it from further damage.
The antioxidants are helpful to treat liver cirrhosis by reducing liver inflammation. Moreover, amla contains many beneficial enzymes that burn fat cells and improve digestion.
How to Use
- Cut fresh amla into pieces and chew on an empty stomach in the morning.
- You can also make amla juice and take it in with warm water.
8. Changes in Lifestyle
If you are suffering from fatty liver symptoms, the first primary treatment should begin with the changes in your lifestyle. So don’t think twice about making a change in your habits. Let us see how it is possible.
- Limit your alcohol consumption if you are an alcoholic. Also, limit your sugar and salt intake.
- Include fresh, green fruits and vegetables and whole grains.
- If you have jaundice with fatty liver, immediately consult the doctor and take the vaccination.
- If you are overweight, go for yoga and exercise to reduce fat.
9. Cinnamon
Cinnamon sticks are full of anti-oxidants. Hence it has many therapeutic effects to control insulin secretion on lipid profile. Not only that, but it also controls the flow of certain liver enzymes.
As far as fatty liver disease is concerned, it is associated with fatty acid deposition or triglyceride fats in the liver.
The use of cinnamon is helpful to reduce oxidative stress and insulin secretion, which are the two main reasons for fat accumulation in the liver.
Moreover, cinnamon extracts work to reduce inflammation due to excess alcohol consumption.
How to Use
- Take two or three cinnamon sticks and put them in the water.
- Boil it for 5 minutes and strain the liquid.
- Take it warm.
- This cinnamon tea will give the best result if taken in the early morning.
- You can also use grounded cinnamon in different dishes.
10. Liquorice
Liquorice is the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra. This herb is beneficial to treat various health issues like digestive problems, ulcers in the stomach. It can reduce liver inflammation due to excess consumption of alcohol as it has anti-inflammation properties.
How to Use
- Take a small amount of liquorice and soak in a cup of warm water.
- Let it settle for 20 minutes and strain the water.
- Mix a few drops of honey and drink.
- Do it at least for one week to treat fatty liver.
In conclusion, we can say that prevention is always better than cure, so be alert and take care of your liver before it gets too late. Avoid too much oily and salty food and alcohol. Include vegetables and fruit can make your liver function well. Eat and stay healthy.
So, friends, we hope that going through the above signs of fatty liver disease will surely help you.